The BMC Mission

We are a full service roofing contracting firm organized for the purpose of replacing, repairing, restoring and maintaining quality roofing systems while achieving and maintaining the highest levels of customer service and satisfaction. It is our goal to be an asset to our community by providing quality work, meaningful relationships, and by providing healthy and safe employment opportunities to our team.

About the Owners

Meet Charlotte and Paul Ortiz

Charlotte’s father Mike Harris founded the company in the late 80’s which has given her nearly a lifetime of experience in the industry. She often recalls sitting on a ridge of a roof as a young girl watching her dad work and is not adverse to heights or climbing a ladder. She has earned a Bachelors in Business Administration with a focus on Entrepreneurial Studies from the Anderson School of Business at UNM , she carries a roofing contractors license and has been an active member in the community serving on various boards and volunteering her time.

After Mike was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, he realized at some point he may not be able to physically do the job and that he needed to bring on an apprentice. Mike absolutely adored Paul and when he asked him if he would be interested in becoming a part of the company, Paul was happy to step in. Mike thought it was important that Paul learned and mastered every sector of the business, so his first position with the company was to perform maintenance inspections and leak repairs, he then moved to work with the crew doing restorations, re-roofs and repairs and then ultimately worked alongside Mike learning how to prepare bids, manage customer relationships and how to maintain a happy healthy crew. The time Paul spent with Mike was priceless and he feels extremely grateful to have had such a wonderful mentor. Paul is a St. Pius graduate, a State Football Champion, attended Benedictine Catholic College in Aitchison, KS and also earned a Bachelors in Business Administration with a focus on Entrepreneurial Studies from the Anderson School of Business at UNM, he also carries a GB98 Contractors license.

Mike Harris

BMC Roof Maintenance was established in the late 1980’s by a charismatic, entrepreneur, Mike Harris. With a small crew of skilled roofers, a commitment to deliver high quality work and a dedication to maintain strong customer relationships, he built a thriving business with a reputation of quality and accountability. He was an incredibly hard worker but never missed a weekend at the lake or compromised time with his family.

In the early 2005 Mike was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and after the physical implications of his disease limited his ability to continue working, his daughter Charlotte and son in law Paul stepped in as operators of the company. Mike passed away in February of 2011 due to autonomic failure and was ultimately diagnosed with Shy Draggers Syndrome, a degenerative neurological disease. His was larger then life and made an incredible impact on those who had the pleasure of getting to know him. At the heart of BMC you will find the values and dedication that Mike has instilled, and we are so beyond grateful for the opportunity to have had such an amazing mentor.

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